Hayley bean is 7 months old. She is:
Sleeps through the night around 4 out of the 7 nights in a week. If she gets up, she eats and goes right back to sleep.
Is having two regular naps usually around 2 hours each everyday. All I have to do is lay her in her crib with her soother and she goes right to sleep.
She's making lots of fun noises and is starting to say dada.
Loves playing with toys.
Still loves watching her brothers and sister play, but really loves it when they play with her. They can usually get her laughing really good.
She loves bath time. She'll just sit there splashing.
She loves being sung to. Her favorites are popcorn popping, I'm so glad when Daddy comes home, mm mmm went the little green frog, and Adele's Someone like you!
Loves to watch baby einsteins.
Loves to play peek a boo farm on my Iphone.
She's crawling! Very slowly right now, but she can move forward.
Is getting so big, and is so much fun! We sure love her and I wish she could stay this little forever. She's so sweet and precious. Devon was able to take some pics this past weekend of the little girl and she didn't disappoint.
Isn't she just gorgeous!
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