Monday, November 15, 2010

Big Bully!

I have a problem. My almost two year old son is a full on bully. If he feels threatened or wants something at nursery, he'll grab the other child by the hair or neck  and pulls them down to the ground. He hits, bites, and pushes. he is not like this at home with his siblings, just when we are around kids his own age. We say "NO", we give time-outs, and we teach him about being nice, but he is still the nursery bully. He throws the biggest tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants or gets frustrated. He screams, throws anything in sight, and bites the nearest thing to him. Where does this come from? On his behalf he is very good at saying sorry and giving hugs. Sometimes I think he hurts kids just so he can say sorry. He can be so sweet, loving and cuddly, and can get pretty scary. I can't wait until he grows out of this one. I mean look at this kid, does he look capable of such things!


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